
The US state Mississippi will sue pharmaceutical companies over expensive insulin

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch has filed a lawsuit in which three leading insulin manufacturers are accused of collusion.

Mississippi has claims against Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk, which together cover almost the entire insulin market in the United States, due to rising drug prices. In particular, Lynn Fitch claims that targeted companies were able to sign prices at the same time, and in other cases more than 1000% compared to the value that was 10 years ago.

"Let's not consider the fact that over the past fifteen years, the production of these drugs has actually declined, a user with diabetes in 2016 spent an average of 5,705 income on insulin needed for living," - said Fitch.

"As a result of the conspiracy of the defendants, almost a century after the discovery of insulin, diabetes drugs became unavailable to many people with diabetes who had to pay" unjustified funds "while medical companies were stuffing their pockets," the lawsuit said.

Mississippi is a kind of state, because almost 12% of its population does not have health insurance. This means that many patients are much more expensive to treat, especially when it comes to diabetes, because in the United States, prices for insulin are constantly rising. Many Americans are waiting for interchangeable biosimilars to hit the market soon.

We will remind, in Ukraine the average price of reimbursement of insulin drugs differs in each area. For example, the cost of the drug SOLIKVA, 100 Units / ml + 50 mcg / ml, in syringe pens of 3.0, may differ from region to region by 500 hryvnias. As of May 2021, the average reimbursement price in Kyiv was UAH 1,194, in the Rivne region UAH 684.
