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Statistics for people with diabetes

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The number of people with diabetes in Ukraine is growing every year: since 2017, no statistics are kept

The number of people with diabetes in Ukraine is growing every year: since 2017, no statistics are kept 1,270,929! Such a long list of figures is the number of people with diabetes in Ukraine. Such data, as of January 1, 2017, are provided by the Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. But since then, statistics on the prevalence of diabetes in Ukraine have not been collected. Apparently, now there are many more people with diabetes, because according to the data obtained, from 2008 to 2013, scientists have registered a steady increase in their number. In particular, during this period (2008-2013) there were more than 240 thousand more patients. In 2014, fewer people with diabetes were registered. But this trend may be due to a lack of data from the occupied territories. And since 2015, there has been another increase in the number and proportion of people with diabetes until 2017.

At the same time, there is another source of information that allows scientists to draw conclusions about the state of medical care for people with diabetes in Ukraine. On December 23, 2015, by the order of the Ministry of Health, the Register of people with diabetes who need insulin therapy was created. It became the basis for the functioning of the insulin reimbursement system.
1 270 929
People living with diabetes (2017)
1 300
Thousand people with diabetes amputated (2020)
11 710
People with diabetes who received insulin died (2020)
The number of cases of blindness in people receiving insulin therapy according to a detailed analysis attracts attention. Due to the long course of diabetes mellitus and insufficient compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, more than 8,000 people were diagnosed with complete vision loss. Also, according to the register, dialysis is a problem for about one thousand people with diabetes.

We also know about the problems of rehabilitation of people after amputations of any level: In 2019, more than 2 thousand were held. In 2020, 1,300 patients with diabetes underwent amputation. All these people need rehabilitation and attention. This should be systematically organized. And we are talking about 1/6 of the total number of people with diabetes, about whom we have fairly accurate data recorded in the register.


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        About Atlas

        Do you feel more confident when discussing based on # nbsp; official data and statistics? Are your activities related to the health care system? Have you or your family been affected by diabetes? Then Atlas "Diabetes in Ukraine" will be useful to you and we even advise you to save this site in "Bookmarks" on your device.

        In addition to current statistics and data from previous years, the Atlas provides additional tips on what can be done to make better use of health care resources to improve the lives of people with diabetes.

        Importantly! The reader must be well acquainted with the basics of mathematics and endocrinology to feel comfortable while reading the Atlas. The user will need the ability to work in the data field and he must be armed with the desire to learn and apply the information contained in the Atlas.
        The creation of the Diabetes Atlas in Ukraine was initiated by the Ukrainian Diabetes Federation (UDF) to systematize statistics and analyze the economic efficiency of government spending on diabetes.
        Careful attention during the compilation of the Atlas is focused on the method of collecting information and its sources! First of all, the Ukrainian Diabetes Federation appealed to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) to use its materials and have the same methods of data collection and processing. Note that since 2000, the Diabetes Atlas has been published, initiated by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). It has since become one of the most cited publications on diabetes. Among the sources of information published in the Atlas of Diabetes in Ukraine: data from the Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health and the Register of Patients in Need of Insulin Therapy. The Association of Ukrainian Cities and leading scientific institutions of the industry also joined the collection of statistics.

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