Together, united, let's act on diabetes!
This was the slogan of the summit organized by the International Diabetes Federation together with the World Health Organization on November 28 and 29 in Belgrade, Serbia
The High-Level Technical Summit on Diabetes, co-organized by WHO Europe and the European Diabetes Federation (IDF Europe) in Belgrade on 28-29 November, presented an important convergence of experts, health professionals and people living with diabetes. Topics discussed included detection and diagnosis, quality of care, prevention of complications, and equitable access to quality care.

The summit, which brought together more than 170 experts from WHO/WHO Europe and IDF Europe, as well as representatives of national health authorities, civil society, health professionals and people living with diabetes, aimed to prioritize diabetes issues in the era of permacrisis.

The Declaration highlights the burden of diabetes and recalls the existing commitments of the United Nations, WHO, the EU and other relevant organizations. IDF Europe calls on stakeholders, especially WHO members, to support this declaration and calls on Member States to act urgently to accelerate progress.
Despite significant commitments from member states, the number of people with diabetes in the region continues to rise. IDF Europe estimates that a third of people with diabetes go undiagnosed, and almost half of them may not be up to par.
The Declaration, in line with World Health Assembly Resolution 74.4 of its 74th meeting on Reducing the Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases, calls on Member States to take additional measures to tackle diabetes, including a "whole-government and whole-of-society" approach, prioritising diabetes prevention and control, strengthening policies, raising public awareness, and improving systems for monitoring and evaluating the response to diabetes.

IDF Europe believes that this summit could be a transitional step towards a broader and more comprehensive WHO Resolution to be proposed to the Regional Council in 2024, representing an important step towards a better future.

The text of the declaration in the original language can be found below:
Join the signing!
Each of us can join the changes and help bring closer a better future for people with diabetes. Sign the Declaration, become a member of this movement: