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Why adults who develop type 1 diabetes are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Why adults who develop type 1 diabetes are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?

Experts say more adults are being misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes when they actually have type 1 diabetes.

For decades, type 1 diabetes was known as “juvenile diabetes” and believed to only develop during childhood.

“The facts tell us otherwise. According to recent research, more than 50 percent of type 1 diagnoses occur after age 18, and many in middle or older ages. More than a third of all people with type 1 are overweight or obese", explained Gary Scheiner, MS, CDCES, the owner and clinical director of Integrated Diabetes Services.

If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and you either don’t fit the typical profile or your blood sugars continue to rise despite following your treatment plan, you might have been misdiagnosed.

“It is important to establish a correct diagnosis, as proper treatment hinges on the nature of the condition,” said Scheiner. “Many people with type 1 who are assumed to have type 2 because of their age or physical characteristics are treated with non-insulin pharmacologics. In the least, this shortens or eliminates the ‘honeymoon’ period of type 1 diabetes in which the pancreas continues to produce some insulin. At worst, it can lead to excessive hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis, and death.”

Misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes in his late 50s

In his late 50s, Peter Bongiorno's HbA1c, a blood sugar indicator, was nearing prediabetic levels at 5.5%. Despite being active, lean, and nutrition-conscious, his HbA1c rose to 5.7% in two years, prompting him to adopt a vegan diet and monitor his blood sugar.

While his daughter, Lauren Bongiorno, founder of a diabetes coaching company, has type 1 diabetes, the family believed they were safe from it due to their ages. However, when Peter's A1c reached 6%, he intensified his lifestyle changes, losing 20 pounds. Yet, his A1c still rose to 7.1% over the next two years, leading him to try metformin.

A conversation about misdiagnosis with a client at Lauren's company made her realize her father's situation resembled a misdiagnosed type 1 diabetes case. The family then worked with their healthcare team for further testing.

Getting screened for type 1 diabete

hanks to decades of research, identifying type 1 diabetes is relatively simple with a few specific blood tests.

These tests include:

  • Autoantibodies: Autoantibodies develop when your immune system is attacking your own body. Research from TrialNet and other organizations have pinpointed specific autoantibodies and can identify them with blood testing. The presence of two more autoantibodies suggests a person is in one of the three stages of developing type 1 diabetes. The earliest stages can develop years before noticeable symptoms develop.
  • C-peptide levels: C-peptide indicates how much insulin your pancreas is producing. In people with type 2 diabetes, C-peptide levels are generally quite high. In people with type 1 diabetes, C-peptide levels are usually quite low.

Identifying type 1 diabetes before the need for daily insulin therapy is also critical.

According to the article
Why adults who develop type 1 diabetes are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes from MedicalNewsToday